SMS TO BOOK IN: 0499 382 159
private and discreet
7 Days 10am - 10pm
Brunswick Street, FITZROY - 1km from CBD
Hawaiian Temple Massage
The traditional Hawaiian temple massage is not a massage in the conventional sense, since it is primarily the forearms rather than the hands that do most of the work. Flowing, terpsichorean movements that are individually adapted to your body penetrate deep into the different muscle layers, unblocking any physical and emotional obstacles that may stand in the way of your overall well-being. All you need to do is lie back and relax while your talented masseuse makes the stresses and strains of your everyday life disappear.
The sensual, second half of this massage consists of soft, attentive stroking movements and gentle, tender caresses all over your body – in particular, your erogenous zones – and culminates in a stimulating massage of your genital area. Here, we use our imaginative and varied bodywork technique based on Far Eastern principles to provide you with maximum pleasure.
Indulgence sessions and prices
90 Minutes 350.
120 Minutes 450.
Contact us daily from 09:45 - 20:00
SMS 0499 382 159
Products and ambiance
The Hawaiian temple massage is performed using large amounts of oil on a massage table.
More information
Hawaiian massage, also known as "Lomi Lomi", is a traditional massage from Hawaii and has its origins in a holistic healing method. Today, the modern type of massage is distinguished from the traditional body work because the modern technique is primarily a spa treatment and not aimed at achieving therapeutic goals.
More and more exotic massages are offered all over the world. The allure of foreign cultures and the thought of an original treatment or one that is aligned with nature attracts many people to the countless types of massages on offer – and Hawaiian massage is particularly exotic.
Lomi Lomi –Hawaiian massage
The Hawaiian massage offered today is called "Lomi Lomi". The word "Lomi" means something like "rubbing", "kneading" or "pushing". Using the word "Lomi" twice places particular emphasis on its meaning. In a broad sense, "Lomi Lomi" therefore means "strong rubbing, kneading or pushing". The original term for Hawaiian massage is "Lomi Lomi Nui". The meaning of this combination can be translated as "uniquely strong kneading". "Lomi Lomi" does not necessarily mean the same as what is understood by "Lomi Lomi Nui".
"Lomi Lomi Nui" means the traditional form of body work, while "Lomi Lomi" refers to the commonly applied spa treatment. However, today's Hawaiian massage is generally seen in the tradition of Lomi Lomi Nui. Hence the term "Lomi Lomi" commonly refers to Hawaiian body work in a wider and the Hawaiian massage in a narrower sense. Lomi Lomi originates in Hawaiian natural medicine which is strongly characterised by herbal treatments. In the islands, patients were generally treated by Shamans and therapeutic interventions were aimed at restoring spiritual and mental well-being as well as physical health. Lomi massage was only one of several elements which, in their entirety, formed a complete medical system. It was also used as a rite of passage, celebrating a new stage of life, and for the ordination of priests. For this reason, it is also known as Hawaiian Temple Massage. The special feature of traditional massage is that each healer developed his own style of massage in his family's tradition. Thus, many different styles of Lomi have emerged over time.
Lomi Lomi in practice
Lomi Lomi's roots in a healing tradition mean that the massage is useful for more than just relaxation and also helps to balance energies in the body. Energies flow steadily and evenly in a healthy body, but blockages in the energy flow pathways are found when there is illness, and tension develops. The massage relieves this tension and thus resolves the blockages of energy flow. Because these energies do not only flow through our physical being but also through the mental/spiritual one, the massage aims to achieve complete relaxation so that body, mind and spirit become realigned.
Oil is normally used very liberally in Hawaiian massage. The masseur/se treats the client with hands, forearms and elbows. A special form of Lomi massage is the treatment by two practitioners. Oil is used to maintain smooth and slightly swinging movements. The massage is traditionally accompanied by Hawaiian musicians. But in our time of radio, CD and MP3, this accompaniment is provided by electronic means. It is important to find the right kind of musical rhythm because the masseur/se moves around the massage table with the rhythm of the music, treating the client from all sides. Just as as the music varies, the massage also varies with the need of the client and gentle movements may be followed by firmer ones. Insistent strokes provoke a release deep within the muscles and the deliberate probing of specific points of pain induces profound relaxation